How a Dutch city is using Internet of Things to prevent firework nuisance

t the end of the year, many people and animals experience nuisance through fireworks. In order to prevent this, KPN is using the power of Internet of things. By data-driven decisionmaking the nuisance of firework can be maintained.

Breda is one of the the first city’s in the Netherlands that is venturing into the new 'smartcity technology' by Munisense. It works through an acoustic detection system with LTE-M connectivity. The location and the number of decibels can be measured using this system. All used Munisense detection devices are in contact with each other via LTE-M, this makes sure that information can be analyzed and patterns can be discovered that. This way Breda enforces firework usage, improves safety and reduce nuisance.

When fireworks explode, enforcers receive a notification on their smartphone within 10 seconds. Enforcers not only see the location, but also the amount of decibels it produces. The system works as an extra pair of ears for the city.

The data is not only real-time but is also saved, this is stored in an ever-growing database. This system is not only used during new-years-celebrations, but throughout the year. To ensure that trends and patterns can be recognized, which should help to prevent nuisance.

By making data-driven decisions , Breda becomes more livable and safer. The deployment of these sensors is a first step in realizing a smartcity ecosystem. By working together with various innovative company’s, collected data can be used to make cities smarter every day.

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